Jasneet Kaur baniDabang Malaika ka nayachehra on &TV's Happu Ki Ultan Paltan

&TV’s Happu Ki Ultan Paltan that has been making viewers laugh until they cry, will soon see a new face! Ready to step into Malaika’s shoes is actor Jasneet Kaur Kant. Born and brought up in Mumbai, Jasneet has done a few cameo roles on the small screen. While Malaika is a tomboy with a dabang attitude, Jasneet on the other hand is a very soft spoken personality. But talking about commonalities, both Jasneet and her reel character Malaika share the same protective attitude towards close friends and family which makes Jasneet a fit for Malaika. Excited to be a part of the paltan,Jasneet shares, “I just love Malaika’s character, as she is very different yet very similar to me. I could not be any happier! This is like the best thing happened to me. After doing a few cameos on TV shows and theatre, I was very positive on getting a fitting role in a show for which I gave a lot of auditions and finally Happu Ki Ultan Paltan happened. I have watched the show and have always admired the fact that how the show and the characters portray comedy so effortlessly. I feel lucky to be surrounded by such talented actors as I get to learn a new thing every day. This time the audience will witness a new avatar of dabang Malaika as I step into the role. Now audience will be really keen to see kyanayapanlaarahihainayi Malaika?”

Tune in to Happu Ki Ultan Paltan every Monday to Friday at 10 PM only on &TV

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