Mega Power Star Ram Charan released a statement expressing his sincere regards and appreciation for all the fans who took it upon themselves to aid people who were in dire need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In the statement, he had mentioned, “I have been closely watching fans step up and strive hard to give back to the society during this second wave of COVID-19 pandemic. From being the first to react to distress calls to taking various initiatives, our fans did it with great devotion. I would like to sincerely appreciate each and everyone of you for going above and beyond to help people in need.”

The star, who is also monitoring Chiranjeevi Charitable Trust’s Oxygen Bank services is enamoured by the earnestness and integrity shown by all the fan who extended a helping hand.

“Thank you all for your unconditional efforts,” he concluded.

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