Adani Group partners India’s Olympic Contingent

Amit Panghal, Deepak Punia& Rani Rampal among 7 top athletes at the Tokyo Olympics supported by the Adani Group’s Garv Haiinitiative, as part of the Group’s long-term sports incubation programme


• Garv Hai is the Adani Group’s long-term incubation programme to nurture India’s next generation of sporting champions.

• 19 athletes with strong potential were shortlisted from more than 5000 entries received from 100 cities across 29 states, 7 of these athletes to represent India at Tokyo Olympics

• The list includes icons such as Indian Boxing Star World No. 1 Amit Panghal, World No. 2 freestyle wrestler Deepak Punia, and Captain of the Indian Women’s Hockey Team Rani Rampal

Ahmedabad, 23 July 2021: The Adani Group has become an official partner of the Indian Olympics Contingent at the Tokyo Olympics, which opens on 23 July 2021. The Indian lineup in Tokyo includes 119 athletes, India’s highest ever total at the Olympic Games. 

The Olympic partnership is in line with the Adani Group’s belief that corporate support for the nation’s sporting ecosystem will build a better and stronger sporting future. 

About Garv Hai 

Garv Hai, the Adani Group’s long-term incubation programme to identify and nurture India’s sporting champions of the future, was rolled out in 2019 after completing a four-year pilot project launched before the Rio Olympics in 2015.   

Athletes of great promise were selected for the Garv Hai programme. In the past, the illustrious list of champions supported by the Adani Group have included boxers Shiva Thapa, Mandeep Jangra and Pinki Rani, shot putter Inderjeet Singh, race walker Khushbir Kaur, long distance runner Sanjeevani Jadhav and shooter Malaika Goel.

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