Sasakawa- India Leprosy Foundation(S-ILF) inaugurates “Youth Samagam” to create an Alumni network of Youth from Leprosy background

Pune, Sunday, 15thMay, 2022: Sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation(S-ILF), an organisation dedicated to the social and economic empowerment of persons affected by Leprosy and their families has initiated the creation of alumninetworks of the youth from leprosy background.One such network has been formed in Maharashtra. Since 2012, S-ILF has supported around 100 youth from Leprosy colonies in the state to pursue higher professional education.Several of these S-ILF scholars are now doing jobs in reputed organisations and are well established. Seeing their mainstreaming and the potential to influence other youth from leprosy background, S-ILF has initiated a new platform where these scholars come together to form Youth Leadership Council.Around40 scholars joined the day-long training workshop to hone up their leadership skills and came to a befitting end through a cultural event which was put up by the scholars. The program held in partnership with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and provided an opportunity for the scholars to interact with industry. The dignitaries present at the event included Mr Kush AgarwalChapter Chair, Young Indians-CII, Puneas the Chief Guest and Dr VivekLal, CEO, S-ILF. The event was organised at Hotel Quality Inn Mint, Sangamwadi, Pune.

The Youth Leadership Councilisadiverse,youth-drivengroupthatstandstoupholdleadership,promotechange,andwill raise awarenessabout leprosy in local, state and national level.The aim being to end stigma against Leprosy & ensure equal social, economic and cultural opportunities through their networking among people affected by Leprosy and their families. S-ILF would continue to support the setting up of alumni networks across other states in the country.

About Sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation (S-ILF)

Instituted in November 2006, Sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation (S-ILF) works towards mainstreaming persons affected by leprosy and their families through socio-economic empowerment, thereby fighting stigma and restoring dignity. Our area of focus is:

Providing technical and financial support for setting up micro-enterprises enabling self-employment

Providing access to vocational training and higher educational opportunities

Empowering persons affected by leprosy to access government welfare schemes

Creating awareness about leprosy among all sections of society

Engaging with opinion and policy makers for the rights and inclusion of persons affected by leprosy 

About Leprosy: Leprosy is a disease caused by a bacteria and is completely curable through treatment available free of cost by the government. There is no place for stigma and discrimination against persons affected by leprosy.

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